How we protect you against data hacks, data leaks or data breaches.
Proba is the only 100% risk-free way to electronically sign documents.
With traditional services, your documents and signature can be leaked, breached or hacked. When you electronically sign documents with Proba, you will never:
- Upload your documents
- Give us any way to see, store, or access your documents
- Send us your signature, or let us copy or modify it in any way
- Let us process, analyze, transmit, or share your sensitive data
- Put your sensitive data at risk of being leaked, breached, or hacked
- With Proba you will electronically sign documents without uploading them and without creating an account. Instead, you will electronically sign your documents offline, in your browser's memory, where Proba can't touch it — and neither can cyber criminals — in just three easy steps.
How Proba works.
The only secure, private and frictionless way to electronically sign documents.
With Proba you can electronically sign documents, without uploading your document and without having to create an account, in just three easy steps.
Step 1: Open your document
Drop your document onto your browser or open it with a couple of clicks. You don't upload your documents to Proba. Instead, you open your documents in the browser, where they will be protected by your browser and your operating system.
Step 2: Sign your document
Draw your signature and place it in your document. You don't upload your signature to Proba. Instead, your signature stays in the browser, where they will be protected by your browser and your operating system.
Step 3: Save your document
Click “Save” and store a signed copy of your documents on your computer. Proba creates the electronically signed document on your computer without uploading it to our servers. To seal your document and add a digital signature to it, we need to send a minimal amount of data to our server, so that we can calculate the document's digest. Please see the FAQ for more information.
Who uses Proba.
Anyone who takes their sensitive information seriously.
Proba is a free, open service for anyone who needs to electronically sign documents without worrying it will be leaked, breached, or hacked. Most people who use Proba are:
Individuals who need to electronically sign sensitive documents.
- Accounting, taxes
- One-off contracts
- Healthcare docs
- Wills, testaments
Business professionals who electronically sign sensitive documents on a regular basis.
- HR
- Sales
- Legal
- Procurement
Organizations whose employees, clients or partners regularly sign sensitive documents.
- Insurance
- Real Estate
- Government
- Financial Services
Who we are.
Learn more about our mission, values and roadmap.
We are a small team of engineers who came together to solve a simple problem. Right now, most of the online services you should be able to trust — like electronically signing documents — are fundamentally not secure, private, or confidential. They force you to expose your data and put it at risk of being leaked, breached, or hacked.
To fix this problem, we decided to create new versions of these services that operate in a fundamentally more secure, private, and confidential manner. To do so, we are building simple software tools that are open for anyone to use.
Our core values.
Respect security, privacy and confidentiality at each step
None of our services will ever track you, or read, access, or store your data or metadata. We will give you complete control and ownership of your data and metadata, and any outputs from using our services.
Our services are blazingly fast, powerful and frictionless
We create services that people love to use, and our software will always be as fast, simple, intuitive, and friction-free as possible.
Bring next-gen SSI technology to everyday online tasks
We follow the fundamental principles of the emerging field of Self Sovereign Identity technology (SSI). Electronic signatures are just the start. We're going to build many services to create a new, user-first internet for everyone.
Any questions?
You will find your answers over here.
Yes. At least one other electronic signature service has publicly reported being compromised in the past. In general, data leaks, breaches, and hacks are a large and growing problem. The last few years have seen many large, high-profile incidents — and in most of them hundreds of millions, or even billions, of files and pieces of personal data were stolen by criminals. The chances of your electronically signed documents being compromised is increasing each year, and the potential impact — in fines, reputation damage, and legal issues — is growing.
We are not aware of any other electronic signature service that operates the same way we do. We also are not aware of any other service that operates in any other manner that ensures the security, privacy, and confidentiality of your documents, data, and signature, and can guarantee it can't be breached, leaked, or hacked.
Other services are fundamentally insecure in the way they operate. They upload, store, transmit, and make copies of your documents, its text, and your signature. Any time that happens, those files can be breached, leaked, or hacked. Other services claim “enterprise-grade security”, which just means they follow a set of standard security protocols to protect your documents, data, and signature. Yet they still store, transmit, and make copies of your data, and expose it to be breached, leaked or hacked. Their enterprise-grade security does not prevent this from happening, it only reduces the likelihood of it happening. Proba operates in a fundamentally different way that prevents and does not allow your documents, data, or signature to be breached, leaked, or hacked.
At the moment, Proba only supports PDF documents that are not password protected.
Seconds. Because we don't upload, store, modify, or transmit your documents, data, or signature on our end — and we operate in the browser that you already have opened — we remove a lot of steps and back-and-forth from the process. This saves time, reduces the technical workload and lets you electronically sign documents much faster with Proba than with other services.
Proba is a 100% free service. You can electronically sign as many documents as you want with Proba without paying a single cent. You don't even have to create an account or profile, or share any of your personal profile data with us.
No, we don't store any data. The data that is used to create the electronic signature, including the electronic signature itself, only exists in memory when it is created, but it is immediately purged from memory when the digital signature is created and not persisted or stored in any way.
Yes, we have a macOS app. The macOS app can be downloaded from our Apps page.